Uscite fumi disponibili: 3 superiori - 1 posteriore Ø 130 mm
Ideale per l’incasso o libera installazione
Piano cottura in ghisa levigata a temperature
differenziate completo di cerchi
Sorties des fumées disponibles: 3 supérieures - 1 postérieure Ø 130 mm
Smoke outlets available: 3 upper - 1 rear Ø130 mm
Idéal pour une installation encastrée ou sur pied
Ideal for built-in or free-standing installation
Plan de cuisson en fonte polie à températures
différenciées doté de cercles
Brevetto Scrigno Thermorossi, la magia
di un piano cottura a scomparsa
Brevet Scrigno Thermorossi, la magie d’une
plaque de cuisson escamotable
Thermorossi’s Scrigno patent, the magic of
a concealed oven and cooktop
Polished cast iron cooktop with differentiated
temperatures complete with rings
Maniglie a filo design
Rear splashback and
cratch-resistant cast iron frame
Forno panoramico ad alta
temperatura, di facile accesso e
ispezione perché posizionato sulla
parte superiore della cucina
(*HxLxP - 16x37x26 cm)
Four panoramique à haute température,
facile d’accès et d’inspection, car
positionné en haut de la cuisinière
(*HxLxP - 16x37x26 cm)
Panoramic high-temperature oven,
with easy access and inspection as it
is located in the top part of the cooker
(*HxWxD - 16x37x26 cm)
Possibilità di prelevare l’aria
comburente dall’esterno Ø 60 mm
Possibilité de prélever l’air comburant
de l’extérieur Ø 60 mm
Possibility of obtaining combustion air
from outside Ø 60 mm
Large view of the fire with large
loading opening (*HxW - 30x26 cm)
Poignées affleurantes
Design flush handles
Alzatina posteriore e cornice in
ghisa smaltata antigraffio
Dosseret postérieur et cadre en
fonte anti-rayures
Porta focolare e porta forno reversibile
dx/sx e Zoccolo regolabile in altezza
Porte de foyer et porte de four réversibles
droit/gauche, Socle réglable en hauteur
Reversible fire door and oven door right/left
Height-adjustable kickplate
Camera di combustione anti-rottura in ghisa
(*HxLxP - 32x26x38,5 cm)
Chambre de combustion anti-rupture en fonte
(*HxLxP - 32x26x38,5 cm)
Ampia vista fuoco con grande bocca
di carico (*HxL - 30x26 cm)
Ample vue sur le feu, avec grande bouche
de chargement (*HxL - 30x26 cm)
Break-resistant combustion chamber made
from cast iron (*HxWxD - 32x26x38,5 cm)
Comando forno ventilato
Commande four ventilé
Ventilated oven control
*Dati indicativi, in corso di omologa - Données indicatives, en cours d’homologation
- Indicative data, under homologation
**Obiettivo certificazione - Objectif de certification - Certification goal