•Tecnologia Smoke by Pass riduce l’uscita di fumo nella stanza ad ogni carica di legna,
rendimento costante, pulizia straordinaria semplificata dal frontale.
•Technologie Smoke by Pass qui réduit la sortie de la fumée dans la pièce à chaque chargement
de bois, rendement constant, nettoyage extraordinaire simplifié par l’avant.
Tecnologia Fullscreen per massimizzare la visione del fuoco. (HxL 32x68 cm frontale - 32x16 cm laterale)
Applicando il kit ventilazione AIRBOX4 diventa ventilato e
canalizzabile (2 locali adiacenti)
En insérant le kit de ventilation AIRBOX4 il devient ventilé et
canalisable (2 pièces adjacentes)
Aria secondaria e terziaria,
sistema di autopulizia del vetro
Air secondaire et tertiaire,
système d’auto-nettoyage de la vitre
Secondary and tertiary air,
glass self-cleaning system
Échangeur de chaleur en acier inoxydable et en fonte
Stainless steel and cast iron heat exchanger
Porta focolare reversibile
Camera di combustione anti-rottura
interamente in ghisa (HxLxP - 33x56,5x36 cm)
Chambre de combustion anti-rupture entièrement
en fonte (HxLxP - 33x56,5x36 cm)
Break-resistant combustion chamber made entirely
from cast iron (HxWxD - 33x56,5x36 cm)
Porte du foyer réversible
Reversible firebox door
•Smoke By-Pass technology reduces the amount of smoke spilling into the room when loading firewood,
constant efficiency, extraordinary cleaning simpli
fied by the front side.
By applying the AIRBOX4 ventilation kit, the hot air
can be ventilated and ducted (2 adjacent rooms)
Technologie Fullscreen pour maximiser la visibilité du feu. (HxL 32x68 cm avant - 32x16 cm côté)
Fullscreen technology to maximise the view of the fire. (HxW 32x68 cm front - 32x16 cm side)
Scarico fumi Ø 130 mm
Maniglia apertura porta a
scomparsa e a filo design
Poignée encastrée
Flush design handle
Air primaire
Primary air
Cassetto cenere estraibile
Tiroir à cendres extractible
Extractable ash pan
Aria primaria
*Dati indicativi, in corso di omologa - Données indicatives, en cours d’homologation
- Indicative data, under homologation
**Obiettivo certificazione - Objectif de certification - Certification goal
Sortie des fumées Ø 130 mm
Smoke exhaust Ø 130 mm
Scambiatore di calore in acciaio inox e ghisa
Possibilité de prélever l’air comburant de l’extérieur Ø 60 mm
Possibility of obtaining combustion air from outside Ø 60 mm
Kit di ventilazione con 2 motori assiali termostatati
Kit de ventilation à 2 moteurs axiaux thermostatés
Ventilation kit with 2 thermostat axial motors
Comando per orientare e parzializzare la ventilazione alle 2 bocchette superiori.
Commande pour orienter et partialiser la ventilation ouvertures supérieures.
Control to orient and channel ventilation at the 2 upper vents.
Possibilità di prelevare l’aria comburente dall’esterno Ø 60 mm