
Fuori dai soliti schemi questa proposta in cui trovia-

mo un lavabo freestanding Shanghai, 2 colonne ar-

madio C28 con illuminazione led integrata nell'an-

ta e interruttore touch, una vasca Small e 2 colonne

C28 L40 P35 H120 laccate Sabbia.

Da notare il pouff porta biancheria e gli accessori

INOX316 a lato del lavabo.

For those who think outside the box, this solution is

comprised of a Shanghai freestanding washbasin,

two C28 storage columns with inbuilt LED lights

in the door and a touch switch, a Small bath and

two C28 Sabbia-lacquered storage columns, 40cm

wide, 120cm high, 35cm deep.

The storage seat and the INOX316 fittings next to

the washbasin are outstanding pieces.



